Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

October 16, 2015
By Jaden15 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Jaden15 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the Saturday morning basketball games,
the practices every week,
and getting super excited whenever I made a basket.
From hopping into the car to go to Orlando,
to watch the magic play.

I'm from pizza,
lots and lots of pizza,
and my grandma's homemade mac "n" cheese,
which I thought, and still think is the best on earth.
From chicken nuggets and fries,
and turkey on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I am from bubble baths,
and playing with my favorite toys and gadgets.
From watching Nick Jr.,
and my favorite show the Backyardagains.

I'm from sitting on the couch with my dad or grandpa,
and watching whatever game is on T.V.
From watching Pardon the Interruption,
just so I could hear the cool sound the timer made.

I'm from watching Hallmark movies with my mom,
no matter how corny they are.
From playing card games on the computer with my grandma,
without gambling of course,
and watching her make scrapbooks.

I am from competing with my brother,
from cards, to video games, to sports.
From having fun doing whatever we can come up with,
the "be quiets!" and the genuine "thank yous."

I am from going to church every Sunday,
no matter how sleepy.
From taking notes during the sermon,
and singing along to all the worship songs.
From accepting Christ,
and trying to be a light to those who need it.

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