I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

November 11, 2015
By EveMarie43 BRONZE, Mayfield Hts., Ohio
EveMarie43 BRONZE, Mayfield Hts., Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in truth

lips speaking words of honesty

hands clasped in a zipper of conviction

I have seen the carnage from lies and do not wish to return to the the destruction site

taking bricks from the rubble will only result in building the same house

I believe in trust

soft breath

words dripping with skepticism

I only wish to lean on your strong walls

built from my fear of falling

when I feel your foundation waver

ill wisper

I believe in you

The author's comments:

Ever since a young age I struggled with lying and fabricating stories; but as ive grown older I feel that i have finally been able to overcome the habit. I wrote this poem to reflect reflect my struggle. thanks for reading!

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