Blues | Teen Ink


December 2, 2015
By Louiseisanartist BRONZE, Minster, Ohio
Louiseisanartist BRONZE, Minster, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you’re feeling very blue
And mildly anxious
You don’t know what to do
Please just be patient
Just close your eyes and breathe
Please remain calm
Don’t panic and leave
You’re much more than you think
You’re loved more than you know
So I’m begging you please
Stay and don’t go
I know how you feel
Like you’re simply drowning
You can’t hide what you feel
Even though you aren’t frowning
Just give a few hugs
You can’t stop being sad
Getting better takes devotion
Allow me to help
Don’t get caught in emotion
I really do care
Because once you’re gone
Your lungs don’t fill with air
Our tears will flow
And our eyes will swell
So don’t give up love
Don’t say farewell

The author's comments:

I suffer from severe anxiety, and depression and was prompted to write an advice poem, so I wrote about what I knew best

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