the stairway to Confusion-The story of the Tower of Babel | Teen Ink

the stairway to Confusion-The story of the Tower of Babel

November 30, 2015
By snappywriter135 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
snappywriter135 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man looks up... up to the sky where “he” is
man, so foolish
A man seeking the power of “he”
man, so determined
A man starts the foundation for modern civilization
man, so foolish
A man builds up to the heavens to gain the power of “he”
man, so determined
A man struck down by “he” after building to the heavens
man, so foolish
A man speaking nonsense to others
A man, so confused

The author's comments:

this is a breif poem of the story of the tower of Bable, a towere that was to reach to the heavens, but never was finished becuas "he" mixed up peoples languages so they could not communicate with each other.

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