Explanation of Love | Teen Ink

Explanation of Love

December 13, 2015
By NajiHassan SILVER, Arvada, Colorado
NajiHassan SILVER, Arvada, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream" -Edgar Allan Poe

I’ve never been one to chase. I’ve always been taught that what’s right will find it’s way to you. But when your presence is magnetic, it’s hard not to come to you. When I can feel your eyes on me from across the room it’s hard not to turn and catch your stare. I’ve never been affectionate but when your arms are wide open it’s hard not to fall into them. Discarding anything I’d previously thought I feed off your mind cause it’s different from mine.You go against everything I had thought but I don’t really mind. I want to learn from you. I want you to re-teach me all the things I thought I knew but had wrong. I’ve never been one to enjoy company other than my own but when I lay eyes on you I can’t imagine spending my forever alone. I can’t imagine spending it with anyone who isn’t you. I didn’t know I’d been living my life in the dark until you radiated my world and gave me light to see what I hadn’t before. So many things overlooked, I’d been living in uncharted territory. Yet with you, everything is all to familiar. Like I’ve known you before. Like my soul has known you before. And maybe we just met in passing in a life prior to this but I could never forget that smile. The one that suddenly makes me aware of the Earth’s movement, and my heart’s speeding up, and the shortness of my breath. Or those eyes that see right through me. No matter how many barriers I put up, they see through me. And for once I don’t mind. And for once I’m more than just alright. And I know I could never go back to just alright. I’ve seen the best the world has to offer and I can’t settle for just alright. My reason and logic, these things I live by, they can’t seem to explain this. Explain the way I feel it’s okay to tell you anything when usually I reserve my spoken truth for my poems that no one will ever see. And explain why even when you’ve gone I can still feel you here but I continue to crave your presence. Explain why the smile on my face is only ever mirroring yours. Or why my eyes look at you when only commitment when I hate permanence. Explain why I want to spend forever with you when not long ago I didn’t even believe in a forever. None of this is logical to me and for the first time in my life I don’t want to pick it apart until I find an explanation. Because for the first time in my life I’m okay with not knowing. For the first time ever I don’t want to decode the mystery that you are. I want to continue to be surprised by you. I want to not know what’s next. I want to trust that you’ll do what’s best for me. For the first time, I want to take a risk that might end up hurting me. But even if that’s end game, I want you to be my most satisfying heartbreak.

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