Dear Society | Teen Ink

Dear Society

December 13, 2015
By NajiHassan SILVER, Arvada, Colorado
NajiHassan SILVER, Arvada, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream" -Edgar Allan Poe

Dear Society,


Let’s take a moment to reflect on just how messed up we’ve become. Stop. Let me

first say that we’re making great strides, that much is true. But for every step forward

we go back two. Go. A world where immorality is masked by religion and faith. We

reach for heaven because we’ve created a hell on earth we’re trying to escape.

Equality is the ideal, but who are we kidding, we’re nowhere near achieving it. Gay is

ok. Well, sort of. Sure, you can walk down the street holding the hand of whoever you

please but I’m not blind to the judgment that passes behind stranger’s eyes. The

nervous smiles that aren’t so much supportive as they are remorseful. Stop. But we

legalized gay marriage! What more could they want? To be treated with human

decency? That’s beyond the point. Go. A world where instead of learning from the

past we suppress it and try to pretend it doesn't affect our present lives. Where

instead of facing an issue, we try to invalidate it. Well #AllLivesMatter. Sure they do.

But when I can’t leave my house without hearing my dad telling me to be as

complacent as possible in order to avoid any problems, it’s a bit more of a problem.

Stop. But racism is a thing of the past! Speak that at the funeral of an innocent black

kid who doesn’t know why he was shot. Go. Muslims are a problem in this country.

Sure, we’re a mixing pot of cultures and religions but only when they correlate fairly

well with our own beliefs. Incapable of separating individuals from an entire group we

generalize in the most dangerous ways. Stop. But Muslims are terrorists! Explain to

me how the attack against multiple Mosques isn’t an act of terror in itself. Go.

“Gunman Kills 9 in Charleston Church.” “Gunman Kills 9 in Roseburg attack.”

“Gunman kills 2, 3, 12 in Movie Theatre Shooting.” A world where we care more for

our weapons than we do for our people. Where you have the means to kills but are

expected to harbor a sense of morality that has long been lost. Stop. Guns don’t kill

people, people kill people. A world completely void of any logic reason. Stop. A

world full of hypocrites who want to be accepted but aren’t willing to accept. Stop. A

world where we blindly follow what we’re taught without question. Stop. A world

where we know we’re on the path of self destruction but all we can do is talk. Stop.

                                                          A product of your ignorance

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