Laughing Eyes | Teen Ink

Laughing Eyes

December 14, 2015
By TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Change your thoughts before your thoughts change you."

As the sun goes down,
And outside gets colder,
I rest my head upon your shoulder.
I don’t want you to go,
I’m begging you to stay,
I just want to see your eyes,
When they shine in a certain way.
When you’re laughing and happy,
Your eyes are so bright,
They light up my world,
They light up the night.
It’s hard to get by,
When you are not here,
When my world is drowning in tears,
But I think of your laughing eyes,
All my wounds seem to heal,
And suddenly,
My vision is clear.
You make me happy,
You take away my fears.
When I think about you,
The rest of the world disappears.
I get lost in your eyes,
To reveal no surprise,
You’re staring back at me,
With a wide smile,
And your laughing eyes.

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