Girl's Best Friend | Teen Ink

Girl's Best Friend

December 26, 2015
By Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Color outside the lines."

9 years ago, you stood in front of me with a smile on your face and your tongue hanging out of your mouth. I knew instantly I would love you forever.

8 years ago, you ran circles around the dining room table as I followed and giggld until I fell over.

7 years ago, we raced after a ball at the park across the street to see who would get it first.

6 years ago, we went for a walk and took off running, going as fast as our legs could carry us and stopping only to wait for Mom and Dad to catch up to us.

5 years ago, you layed silently on the hardwood floor asleep as I creeped up beside you and layed my head on your stomach, causing you to jolt awake with surprise and look down at me.

4 years ago, you ran after a ball in our backyard as I stood watch, and stopped after a few times when you realized I wasn't running with you.

3 years ago, we walked to that same park, but this time we only went around the edge on the sidewalk, never touching the soft grass we'd played in years before.

2 years ago, you got a new toy for christmas, but only played with it for a few minutes before coming to me with your big brown eyes, begging me to lay on the flooor with you.

1 year ago, you stopped at the dining room table, looking up at me as I did my homework and ate my apple, and I smiled down at you before returning to my studies.

Today, I walked downstairs to see you smiling at me with your tongue hanging out of your mouth, and I walked to you and ruffled your white fur and hugging your large, soft body, and I knew you'd be my best friend forever.

The author's comments:

This poem is about my dog, and how she's not only left a mark on my life, but a pawprint in my heart.

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