My sister's hair | Teen Ink

My sister's hair

January 5, 2016
By Laurengm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Laurengm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each family member has a different type of hair. My father’s is short and almost non-existent. My mother’s hair is an ash-blonde color. It is short, but still looks thick and full. My hair is thick and straight, like a lion’s mane. 
But my sister’s hair is the most beautiful of the family. Her hair is dirty blonde and is cut to her shoulders, but still looks full. Her hair is perfectly curled and smells like the hairspray that she used. The curls dance around when she walks, making my hair look boring and plain.  Others look at her hair in awe, their jealousy shines out. Her hair is far from a flaw, it is her trademark.

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