How to Make a Happy Family | Teen Ink

How to Make a Happy Family

January 5, 2016
By Laurengm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Laurengm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lifetime of laughter
A pile of fighting
A pocketful of inside jokes
An empire of love for each other
A whisper of two hour facetime calls
A mound of singing off key to the record player
A dab of hard times
A truckload of happiness

Mix together the fighting and hard times. Add happiness and love to the bowl and let it sit. In a separate bowl, pour the inside jokes, facetime calls, off key singing, and laughter; stir until well blended. Now, combine both bowls and place into a pan. Cook for countless years and you will have a happy family.

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