Glass House | Teen Ink

Glass House

February 1, 2016
By LeeSands BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
LeeSands BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She lived in a glass house.
She would whisper her thoughts to herself so she would remember that she was alive.
The glass house was her birdcage and she was the sparrow.
She could see the world outside and how as time passed seasons changed, but she was stuck in the glass house.
At night she laid next to the glass wall and counted the infinite stars, she could count all her stars.
There was no escape from this house.
In her world of reflections all she saw was herself, flesh and bones.
Nothing broke the windows and walls of this house. When things got so suffocating she would scream out, “ save the girl who's heavy heart was made of paper!”
She was living but she was dead inside.
She fell asleep forever, next to the glass wall she counted her infinite stars through.

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