Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

February 8, 2016
By Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Rach7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from sharing a gray room, not meant for two, with my little sister,
looking forward to our gossip sessions extending after mom’s lights out.
From the creaky door that swung to let me into our duplex
where my siblings and I danced in front of the mirror and fought over the remote.
Making me family-oriented,

I am from school activities--writing, typing, trying to solve the impossible,
from the adventures of my friends and me.
From the one hall private school
where my 11 classmates and I laughed, learned, and lived.
Making me loving,

I am from dad’s famous line “as long as you did your best,”
using competitiveness to drive my success.
From the sickening, dirty tar of the burning track
where my body starts to scream as the adrenaline carried me across the finish line.
Making me dedicated,

I am from procrastination and lack of motivation,
  deciding on Parkside and a job in healthcare administration, my future.
From gazing at my 12 inch tablet, streaming Netflix
where Dr. Grey saves a life as I aspire to, one day, run a hospital of my own.
Making me hopeful,

I am from hope,
derived from the hours perfectly executing mistake after mistake.
From the tears and stress striving for that 4.0
stolen by the mystifying periodic table and the bewildering equations.
Making me disappointed,

I am from Saturday morning family breakfast,
given to me from God.
From a family, my four best friends,
saddened to leave that little sister and our gray shared room, not meant for two.
Making me family-oriented,

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