Where I´m From | Teen Ink

Where I´m From

February 9, 2016
By Bgreenhagen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Bgreenhagen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from aimless colors on a paper,
Lost creativity, soon discovered...

I’m from a family of four,
disfunction, love, separation...

from two years behind my sister,
influential, respected, Kaila...

I'm from a Wonder Woman named Misty,
          morning coffee, afternoon cigarettes and my mother's love...

from 11 years on the corner of Hickory and Center Oak,
Brick and Lannon Stone, golden walls, and white chalky gravel...

I'm from a backyard of possibilities,
a battlefield, a city, “The Dark Forest”...

from a loss in height,
“Little man,” “Short one,” “Smallish Bear”...

from panic induced button mashing,
sweat soaked controllers, stacks of empty coke cans, best friends...

I'm from four chords, and black and white keys
one two three, one two three, one two three...

from twisted metal and plastic shrapnel,
icy roads, two miles too fast, totaled...

I'm from April 24th 2015,
red ears, pounding heart, her name: Angeline...

from a burn in my passenger seat,
the Beatles blasting, a hot cherry, her mistake...

I'm from dogs echoing at 1:00 in the morning
my dad’s blood, my car, one solid snow bank.

I’m from reformed colors on a paper,
found creativity, myself discovered...

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