I'm From High School | Teen Ink

I'm From High School

February 9, 2016
By ascharff GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
ascharff GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from a time of whispers and dares
where students don’t know, but they have to care.
Where teachers dwell on the mysteries that wonder,
filling our brains both above and under.

I’m from a time of the benefit of the doubt,
failing a test that to them didn’t count.
Where people go on and live their lives,
believing and seeing they will survive.

I’m from a time of morning work,
where students think the teacher's a jerk.
Where D’s and F’s bring no blame,
but to the one who gave that name.

I’m from a time of counting down minutes,
when teachers pose questions, you solely hear crickets.
Where Friday’s the day ticking down with joy,
that the school is yelling, “Oh boy! Oh boy!”

I’m from a time of giggles and laughter,
when laughing hard means a stomach ache after.
Where people come around and share my life,
to become a friend who stands by my side.

I’m from a time people will see,
that teens don’t accept those who will flee.
A time of life, and a time of death,
a time of working to be the best.

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