I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

February 9, 2016
By S.Faris PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
S.Faris PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mother, my father, and my brother,
they tell me time after time, I’ll achieve what I desire.  
“Be awesome!,” “You can!,” and “I love you, Syd!”
From a family seated in the audience, cheering and lifting me higher.

I am from…
Short jokes, short hair, and short healing,
pieces of who I’ve become.
5 foot, pixie cut, you have to audition again.
From a girl intent to show ‘em.

I am from…
A heart attack, a first audition, and a kitten in my yard,
three moments that molded me.
Mom in the hospital, fear down my spine, and that teeny tiny meow.
From moments grown and fastened in memory.

I am from…
The vast bay window, the room I shared, and the chilling black hole basement,
scenes engrained in my mind, as a place I called home.
Shouting at squirrels, “cleaning” our room, and bonding with my first friend.
From places I lived in in childhood, their memory coated in chrome.

I am from…
“I love you with all of my heart, all of my soul, and all that I am,”
She gave her love to me fully, endlessly urging me on.
Inspiring me, showing the way, and loving me more than herself.
From an idol, I call Mom.

I am from strength, love, and persistence.
I am from bravery, compassion, and motivation.
I am from companionship, belonging and inspiration.

I am from “You can.”, “I will.”, and “Watch me.”

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