Freedom Wish | Teen Ink

Freedom Wish

February 14, 2016
By Sims2300 BRONZE, San Diego, California
Sims2300 BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom, is my dying wish.
Let my spoilt soul taste it just once,
so that I can let go.

Or maybe, dying is freedom,
and my life is one day after another of being chained.
In a prison.
In a box.



And waiting.

Scratching my nails into the wall to count the days
These are the only marks I will leave.

Yet here I find that stains fade,
and blemishes shrink.

But scratches make cuts, and    ???
cuts make holes, and   ????
holes make tunnels, and   ?????
tunnels lead to invisible ebony where there is nothing to do but what I want to.

But in the darkness I can’t see that.

So here I am again
Back in the prison
Scratching the days on a dark wall
Turning them into cuts, then holes, then tunnels, that lead to the abyss and back to -

The Box.
The Prison.

So, as the life seeps out of me,
a little faster every ?
I let my spoilt soul taste it,
taste Dying. 

Because dying is my freedom wish.
And maybe all these ????
instead of adding,
I should have been subtracting
Until I can finally.

The author's comments:

I was going through a rough period in my life, but with some help from my mentors, I realized that writing can really help me get through whatever life throws at me.  

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