Opinion | Teen Ink


February 26, 2016
By Makayla_Ann BRONZE, Haltom, Texas
Makayla_Ann BRONZE, Haltom, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You didn’t tell me
Which is ok because I didn’t ask.
Not that I needed to.
I knew.
You didn’t tell me
At least not with words.

I could see it on your face
That look you made
When I disappointed you.
Once Again.
I could see it on your face.
But you didn't see mine.

I'm only 18.
And yet I worry about things
That are beyond my years.
Like if my mom
Can pay off all of our debt.

If we are going to have a place
To live next year.
How my mom's doing because
She spends her time either at work
Or alone.
The fact that we might not have
A Christmas this year.

I'm only 18.
I should be worried about grades
Not about my sister
And if we can afford
To keep her in band.

I shouldn't have to worry
About my relationship so much.
If after 3 years we'll be
Able to make it through college.
I don't want us to be another
High school statistic

Not when for the first time
For the first time i feel confident
I feel beautiful.
No one's ever made me feel
Feel like it's ok
Ok that i can't play sports.
That i don't have to
Look pretty like my friends.

I know all of these things
Are opinions.
But who's is the problem.
Are they everyone else's?
Or are they mine?

I'm only 18.
Im at the point in my life
Where opinions matter
Matter more than they should.
Through it all
It's hard to remember
That my opinion
My opinion is worth more.
More than anyone else's 

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