A Trudge Through the Snow | Teen Ink

A Trudge Through the Snow

March 2, 2016
By AbigailB SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
AbigailB SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I open the door wind slicing my face 
It feels like needles stabbing me 

I start going one foot in front of the other 
With each step my patience ebbing away  
My fingers are turning red 
And my feet feel like bricks 
The rest of me is cold and tired 

The entire world a white blur around me 
My eyes start watering and my nose is runnin
I can’t see anything 
So then my mind starts wandering 

I start thinking of what it’s like inside 
High pitched screaming 
Thuds from people hitting a wall 
Always arguing and fighting 
Loud and obnoxious
From being inside all the time
My mind wizzes back to the task at hand 

I’m  excused 
A  bright light shines blinding me 
I finally reach the door opening it wide 
Jumping into the heat 
Then realizing I only have a couple minutes
Until I have to brave the snow 
and people again

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