Sister, AKA Best Friend | Teen Ink

Sister, AKA Best Friend

March 2, 2016
By paige160 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
paige160 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The hugs of empathy and the advice I give you, even if you

Disagree with me, think I have no idea what I’m talking about.

But it’s the heart that counts, right? The jokes,
Amusing games, plays we enact and the dances we made up.


The memories are simple ones, but I’ll never forget,

They’re memories I could’ve only had with you, so thank you.


Sisters are like best friends who don’t leave you alone
so they’re ?always? there for you, no matter what.


Who annoy you like crazy, until you explode from anger,
But are the only ones who actually apologize, and mean it.


You annoy me like crazy, and never leave me alone, but I
Don’t want you to leave, because you’re my best friend.


The only one I really trust, but the one I make swear not to tell,
The love hate relationship that will last our lifetime.


I “have to love you”, but what they don’t know is that I
Love you anyways, conditional or not. My best friend forever.

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