Your Choice | Teen Ink

Your Choice

March 2, 2016
By paige160 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
paige160 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like an owl, a swiftly flowing, subtle breeze,

An unpretentious flake of snow drifting.


Like a rabbit, a soft, downy cotton ball, 
With a compassionate look of innocence.


Like a little energetic puppy, yelping,
playing giddily, and without a worry in the world.


Or, like lepord, a camouflaged hunter,
Waiting, surveying for prey to appear.


Or like a wolf, a pack animal plotting for the capture,
Devising schemes, a criminal of the night.


Or like a lion, a prowling creature in the shadows,
Yearning to be satisfied.


Are you the owl, rabbit, or puppy,
Or the lepord, wolf and lion?


You choose your animal,

You can choose you future

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