Creative Commnication Poem | Teen Ink

Creative Commnication Poem

March 6, 2016
By 19lm03 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
19lm03 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I remember the day I got you,

I was so excited,

You were the first dog I ever had.

You were there to listen

when no one else was,

You were always loyal,

sticking by my side when

my friends didn’t care.

Sometimes you slept by my side at night,

which showed me that you cared.

I always used to dress you up in my

clothes and items around the house,

I know you didn’t like it but you

went along with it,

and play with you outside in the

mornings and at night.

You were the first dog I ever got,

I know you are in

a better place now,

I really miss you and

can’t wait until

I see you again.

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