That Creature Under my Bed? | Teen Ink

That Creature Under my Bed?

March 4, 2016
By lnewinski SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
lnewinski SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hear a sound,
then a scratching noise.
I get up out of bed.
Start walking towards your door,
and then
I scream and faint.
Your parents come running,
down the stair with a scared look on their faces.
I wake up and they ask you
what had happened.
I said I saw a creature,
With a spiked back that would send
fear into anyone. With claws the size of a tiger’s.
With teeth as sharp as a razor blade, with eyes as red as the sun.
But you are not for sure.
It was a shadow that,
looked like it had been there all the time,
then just vanished.
That “creature” was never seen again.

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