Elegance of the Forest | Teen Ink

Elegance of the Forest

March 23, 2016
By davidw.hadden BRONZE, Bangor, Maine
davidw.hadden BRONZE, Bangor, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And what he greatly thought, he nobly dared."

Walking in these woods unknown,
I know of where I came from though.
I see a bird, a boulder, some leaves,
Ferns in the corner shaded by ivy leaves.

For I hear some noise than startles me,
Merely just a chipmunk, scurrying on a fallen tree.
But the thing that startles me most of all,
Are the leaves and nuts that begin to fall.

There is a rustle in the trees,
And the elegant bodies descend on me.
As they collapse to the floor another sound appears,
Boisterous scream that comes to my ears.

For I look for it's owner,
In the branches high above.
For there sits a mere loner,
A great, white dove.

I force a smile for this beautiful sight
As the trees rustle over, they obstruct the gleaming light.
So I turn to and from, from whence I had come,
And continue down the path stretching to an infinite sum.

For I must go at once to write this all down,
Before my mind lingers as the cause of some external sound.
I now venture home, for I’ve made a dear promise
To write and reflect on the elegance of the forest.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece of prose after enjoying a long walk in the woods behind my house. As most people people intend to find inspiration or to be struck by some divine destiny to create such a piece of prose and art in order to attempt to replcate and honor divinity or beauty, yet in my case, I was lucky enough to experience the true embodiment of nature without having to spend my time searching for beauty. What I've learned for myself, and what I hope to iterate to my readers, is the beauty of an object and the ideal approach of choosing to not look for it, so that you may experience it without stressing over not finding what you're hoping to look for.

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