Come with me | Teen Ink

Come with me

March 25, 2016
By skrosse BRONZE, Concord, Massachusetts
skrosse BRONZE, Concord, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sea was churning.
The man was waiting.
She was calling.
No, he says, no he would not go.
The man with the gray hat,
casting a shadow across his face,
stood yet again towards her memorizing face.
His many years with her taught him well.
No, he says, no he would not go.
She crashes towards him again.
Relentlessly, she tugs against the man.
Relentlessly, she fights for him.
Her beautiful deep blue eyes.
Her beauty of possibility.
The unknown in her pushing him towards her.
No, he says, no he would not go.
When the she turns white from rage.
When she extends to him, itching for him.
When the tall man with the towering rod, 
no longer has standing ground,
She screams and begs for him.
No, he says, no he would not go.
She grabs his feets, she tugs him down.
She, that ever changing girl, never satisfied,
pulls the man, with the long face, one last time.
She screams at the unfairness of the man.
Come with me! she says. Come with me!
The man with the long face looks at her,
into her deep blue eyes.
the man knows of her untethered soul,
of her changing tides and changing minds.
no, he says, no he would not go.

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