A Stampeding Champion Amongst the Sands | Teen Ink

A Stampeding Champion Amongst the Sands

March 17, 2016
By PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A legend, he stands as example towards his peers.
A rival, he stands as destruction towards his enemies.
A champion, he stands as aspiration towards his kingdom--
a chariot stampeding through the desert storm unperturbed.

Innovative, built with tiered Egyptian engineering.
Vibrant, shades of golden paint cascade.
Elegant, a device of individual design--
a chariot stampeding through the desert storm unperturbed.

Restless, two Arabian horses await the call to arms.
Fearless, defying death’s desire of extremity.
Gallant, galloping into the fog of uncharted battlefields--
a chariot stampeding through the desert storm unperturbed.

Intimidation, ensues the minds of unwary foes.
Chaos, leaving a path scarred with opponents behold.
Dominance, dares not to express a symbol of mercy--
a chariot stampeding through the desert storm unperturbed.

Deviant, a king stands against his facing opposition.
Concentrated, he controls his vehicle clearly.
Tactful, he analyzes his battle for swift victory--
a chariot stampeding through the desert storm unperturbed.

A legend, he stands as example towards his peers.
A rival, he stands as destruction towards his enemies.
A champion, he stands as aspiration towards his kingdom--
a chariot stampeding through the desert storm...unforgotten.

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