Woolly Mammoths | Teen Ink

Woolly Mammoths

March 17, 2016
By 6griswoldl SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6griswoldl SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Six animals as colossal as mountains,
feet the size of boulders,
one step, boom, two step, boom boom.
The mammoths wandered the Arctic tundra.

The blizzard lasted nine dusks and dawns,
animals squirmed out of caves, weary and confused.
Snow drifts dawned at three feet and faded at eight.
Animals screeched louder than warning bells, in the Arctic tundra.

Silent animals, emerged from the snow,
the saber-tooth tiger lingered, hiding in the snow,
  the mammoths ambled on their way, unsuspecting.
   The tiger lunges, in the Arctic tundra.

Woolly mammoths halt, despair in their eyes,
as crimson snow engulfs the body, the tiger sleeps for eternity.
Distressed eyes, look up and around, bewildered.
A spear comes zooming over--Humans.
The mammoths, still stuck in anguish, huddled, tusk to tusk.
The spears cannot penetrate the woolly wall, they try and try, but do not succeed.
The humans turn and fly, fly further than any spear thrown.

The woolly mammoths, still huddled,
watch the humans dissolve into the snow.
They proceed on their journey of survival.
   Eager steps depart the scene, in the Arctic tundra.

Six mammoths as colossal as mountains,
  tusks the size of pine trees,
   dug into the snow in search of food.
    The mammoths wandered the Arctic tundra.

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