God versus Gods: Christianity & Greek Mythology | Teen Ink

God versus Gods: Christianity & Greek Mythology

March 17, 2016
By KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Day one: heavens and the earth.
Day two: sky.
Day three: dry land.
Day four: stars and heavenly bodies.
Day five: life in water.
Day six: life on land.

Chaos emerged immortal beings.
Earth, underworld, and love created.
Unraveling the emergence of life.

Testing us...for do we know both good and evil?
Sin and death enters our world.
One apple testifying truth.

To live a heroic life.
To offer sacrifices to the Gods.
To have eternal peace in the afterlife.

He became man,
showing unconditional love, devotion, and sacrifice. 
Our sins forgiven.

Gaea: Earth
Uranus: Sky
Demeter:  Land
Astraeus: Stars
Poseidon: Sea
Phanes: Life

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