The Secret Screaming Arrow (The story of a Mongol Archer) | Teen Ink

The Secret Screaming Arrow (The story of a Mongol Archer)

March 18, 2016
By Bgreenhagen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Bgreenhagen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

an archer...
                                            silent, quick, deadly,
                                         an archer, ready to strike,
                                     an archer,
                                 with a secret.
                              hidden in plains of grass and weed,
                          the whisper of the brush,
                     keep his mind free.
                an archer,
                draws back his secret, and waits.
                an archer, inhales, aims, and fires.
  an arrow, carved from bone screams and shreds the silence, sending the message of fear and attack...
                an archer has called his comrades to battle,
                tearing through the plains,
                on horseback they arrive.  
                  an archer with an army by his side.
                      an archer
                         the whisper of the brush
                             is all that's left.
                                  an archer,
                                     a screaming arrow.
                                       an archer
                                        piercing , quick, deadly...

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