Work in Progress-- Pyramids of Giza | Teen Ink

Work in Progress-- Pyramids of Giza

March 18, 2016
By tskaggs SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
tskaggs SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From beginning of the creation in 2560 BC

filled with mighty power and filthy wealth.
Egypt bursts into their best days.
Aligning rope with the stars,
Creating a magnificent square.

The men's unyielding faith.
Shows in backbreaking work, and
unleashed in sweat and tears
men, living among the others
Creating magnificent strides of height

Humid weather clinging to the men’s skin,
eyes burn out of their head.
commitment, courage, and control.
Creating a magnificent structure of the world.

The author's comments:

Written about the three pyramids of giza and the bulding process of it

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