Lion Versus Gladiator | Teen Ink

Lion Versus Gladiator

March 18, 2016
By pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here at the colosseum, one fight determines life or death.
Facing an angry lion, what chance do I have?
He’s tasted death before. I’m praying the Gods favor me.
Sword in hand, heavy as a Roman temple.
The beast roars showing off teeth sharper than a sword.

He circles slowly, then lunges. Oh no!
Whoosh, swipe, lion’s blood spills...
The crowd’s cheers shake the colosseum!
Whoosh, swipe, Gladiator’s blood spills…
They yearn for a gruesome finale.

A blur of swords and claws clashing
Swipe! My sword clatters to the ground out of reach.
Left with only my shield.
Fighting with the determination of a lion,
Chomp! My arm is gone, the growling lion lunges for the kill...

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