Frost | Teen Ink


March 29, 2016
By Lovely.Land.Mermaid GOLD, Fort Wayne , Indiana
Lovely.Land.Mermaid GOLD, Fort Wayne , Indiana
18 articles 24 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" Carpe Diem. Seize the day boys. Make your lives extrordinary." -Dead Poets Society

I come as a thief in the night. I make no sound as I approach, but when you awake, I am waiting.  We have met before, and I know that you have been dreading my visit, ever since our last encounter. Last night you covered the flowers just for so I wouldn’t take the life from them.
You are surrounded and your senses are heightened all because of me. A brisk air fills your lungs and your body tingles. You look around you, and I have made your vision crisp and yet it is also blurry. Everything glows with an outline. You can see the outline, but it is invisible. Almost like a ghost that it haunting your vision. As you open your mouth to take another breath, I am there, lingering in the air that gives you life, and you feel alive.
I may look sharp, but you are not afraid. You stroke me. So delicate and soft is your touch, for you know otherwise that I would vanish. In the same motion you walk all over me. I ache and crack under you. Finally, I fight back. I bite at you with a force like a thousand needles piercing your skin. No one ever stays with me for too long. I always end up hurting the ones who never want to leave. You pull your your sweater tighter around you and flee back home. Don’t worry though. I may depart as the sun arrives, but I will be here tomorrow. Waiting. 
I am powerful.
I am beautiful and dangerous.
I am frost.

The author's comments:

In the mist of winter I find myself in need for an outlet, and so I turned the world around me into literature. This was a recent project I worked on, and it was to keep the reader guessing and wondering till the end of the poem when the secret was revealed.

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