Examining The Heart | Teen Ink

Examining The Heart

May 11, 2016
By EmberWillow BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
EmberWillow BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sound of a heartbeat is continuous and melodic.
Just beating and beating steady and slow… it is music at its finest but like all songs, it eventually dies out with history.
Examining the clock, on the wall that goes tick tock and almost never brings itself to a stop just like the heart that is until it gets ripped apart.
Tick tock says the man who has no time to spare for the ones he never knows if he’ll see again.
The sound of a heartbeat is precious and consistent.
It desperately clings to its rhythm even when the time comes that it can no longer beat so beautifully.
Examining the fragile heart that is only supposed to pump blood gets involved in other matters like finding love… love, it’s such a tragic thing for the heart to endure.
Why does the heart put itself through so much? What do we do to make it go through so much?
Why can’t the heart just do the one single job it was met to do, which was keep its continuous, forever beautiful beat and allow us to live until our time comes?
The sound of a heartbeat… doesn’t last forever… the feeling of your heart thumping and doing flips in your chest… doesn’t last forever either… the moment your heart begins to race for someone else… there will be other times like this but it still isn’t eternal.
Lets treasure the beat of this heart, the beat of mine, the beat of yours, and the beat of those around because you will never know… when it’s time for it to stop.

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