I Am a Megaphone | Teen Ink

I Am a Megaphone

May 27, 2016
By S.Faris PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
S.Faris PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will be heard                                             
Among the crowd.           
I will be heard                        
Amidst the battle.                                
I will be heard              
Above the rest.                      
I will be heard.   


I will be heard            
Before the people.    
I will be heard                
Between the lies.              
I will be heard   
Beyond my words.              
I will be heard.   


I will be heard
Crying out.
I will be heard
Commanding change.
I will be heard
Clear and strong.
I will be heard

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem using a megaphone as a metaphor for myself. 

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