THE BEAR | Teen Ink


May 27, 2016
By Emma_Repka PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Emma_Repka PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A silent protector.

Not always seen, but always there.
Watching from the shadows, distance is rare.
She does not rest, and does not leave.
For they are still young and a bit naive.

A private teacher.

Always protecting, and guiding the way.
She keeps them close day by day.
Watching them grow up,
they are starting their own lives,
no longer baby steps, only big strides.

A proud mother.

The time has come to go their own way,
she cries for a moment wishing they could stay.
Confident in her cubs, she knows they will be alright.
Off into the fields they go, off into the night.

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