Doing the right thing | Teen Ink

Doing the right thing

May 20, 2016
By sam0616 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
sam0616 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can own the earth, and still all you own is earth, until you learn to paint with all the colors of the wind."

“You need” whispers my devil

“There are other ways to feed yourself” argues my angel

Torn between right and wrong

“It’s only a little bit of bread to them,” my devil persuades

“but it’s an entire meal to you…”

“You’re better than this, just ask” pleads my angle

“if if you ask, you will lose all surprise, and will not be able to steal it!”

my devil reminds me.

The baker stares me down,

as I stare down the

crisp, golden brown loaves

sitting on the table

They are all I desire…

The baker catches my eye,

he gives me a little nod to go around back.

I knew the goodness of people would trump my devil.

My little devil is silent now, as I walk to the back…

The baker is waiting with a rolling pin…

It takes me a second to realize what’s going on,

I’m a second too late

I get pulverized by a wooden rolling pin…

“And never come around ever again!” yells the baker.

The devil whispers to me, “get up.”

The devil softly speaks to me, “get up now.”

The devil says to me, “get up now boy.”

The angel is the silent one now...

The angle remains silent as I find the gas lines…

The devil is shouting now, but just one word...


The fire trucks come

The ambulances come

They all say it’s too late

He is dead

I watch as I share my bread with my devil. 

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