4 Troublesome Cats | Teen Ink

4 Troublesome Cats

May 27, 2016
By pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who steal my stuff and hide it. I am the only one who can’t find it. Four troublesome cats with fluffy tails and silky soft fur. Four who sneak on the counter tops. Four who steal food off my plate when my back is turned. From the floor, I can hear them beg for food, but I don’t give them any or they’ll get fat.
Their howls are loud. They wake me up too early on a Saturday morning. They sit outside my door meowing non-stop, waking up the whole neighborhood and never quit until I get up and feed them. This is what they do.
Let one out of sight, and she’ll find some electric cords to chew on, and maybe a phone charger. Zap, zap, zap she stops chewing on the chord, but she’s ok. She’s only a little fried.
When I am sad and feeling down, when I want to give up and take a nap, they brighten my day with their cuteness.  Although they are troublesome, I still adore them. Four who purr loudly in my ear. Four who love to play and and watch the birds from the window. Four who are my favorite.

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