Her Best Friend... | Teen Ink

Her Best Friend...

May 27, 2016
By andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I’m being punished by the universe,” thought Jane.
She missed her best friend.

She wanted to scream and lose it;
fall asleep and allay the lack of control.
She missed her best friend.

Her head, spinning in circles --
like being flushed down a toilet.
Austin was a mistake.
But still, Jane missed her best friend.

They told her she would regret it,
said he has a powerful effect.
But thinking she’s lucky, she made her own judgement.
Rattled, disrupted, and lacking perspective,
she would always miss her best friend.

Years later, she turned around the momentum.
The snowballing stopped.
She thought positive thoughts, made positive steps.
A freelance writer --
from Jane Lontoh to Jane Blank.
But she still hasn’t forgotten Austin -- her best friend, she missed.

The author's comments:

To create a love story only using words from the Wall Street Journal's article, "Having a Bad Week? Tricks For Turning It Around," is a true love for writing in itself.

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