Impossible! | Teen Ink


May 27, 2016
By pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Yesterday I was just here.
How has everything changed?
It was like any normal day at school.
As usual, I arrived in style.
I went to all my classes and 
sat with my friends at lunch.
Dreaded spanish and math,
looked forward to chilling in sociology.

Today a jaguar greets me at the door.
A tiger prowls down the hallway.
Tropical birds fly over my head squawking loudly.
This place is a jungle!
It’s raining in what used to be the math room.
A python slithers up the wall.
Monkeys swing from tree to tree.
Oh no, one of them stole my lunch!
Am I hallucinating?
This is impossible!

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