I Am The Sun | Teen Ink

I Am The Sun

May 26, 2016
By Steve.Northrup PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Steve.Northrup PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A boy begins his walk home from school. He studies his surroundings on the cool, brisk winter afternoon. The sun was glistening off the snow, creating a perpetual light blinding to stare at. He smiles ear to ear knowing today was going to be a great day. He will be able to see his father for the first time in fourteen months. His father is stationed in Iraq, helping his country provide freedom to those whom deserve it. 
Another boy begins his walk home from his friends house. All he sees is the shadows of the booming buildings blocking the sun’s view. The boy’s lips explode, awakening a smile. Today was the day his mother finally returns home. She had served in jail for ten years, missing the critical moments of the boy's life.
A third boy begins his walk home on the other side of the world. The sun has been down for hours now. The only light the boy receives is the glimmer of the moon shining down on the dark grass. He smiled knowing today was an elegant one in his journey of life. He received 3 dollars to take home to his family. He will be able to have a meal today afterall.
All three of the boys get home safe and sound. They press their hand to the frigid door knob, stop, and look up. “Thank you for my amazing life." They walk in with a twinkle in their eyes. They are as happy today as anyone in the world.

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