Recipe for Making a Teenage Girl Happy | Teen Ink

Recipe for Making a Teenage Girl Happy

May 26, 2016
By KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Mound of chick flick movies
Unlimited starbucks
Sprinkle of good company
Bin of enjoyable magazines
One mani-pedi
Lifetime of sunshine
A dab of new clothes
Slice of night out for dinner

First, bring the teenage girl unlimited starbucks. This step will lead you to the right direction.
Go to a local Walmart and buy mounds of chick flick movies. Including, How To Lose a Guy in 10 days, Mama Mia, and GIrls Just Want To Have Fun.
While at Walmart don’t forget to buy a bin of enjoyable magazines for the teenage girl. Make sure to buy seventeen, people, and glamour.
Set up one appointment for a mani-pedi. Let this be a surprise.
Don’t forget a shopping spree is required for a dab of new clothing.
Most importantly, a sprinkle of good company that will allow the teenage girl to have enjoyable time with the people she cares about.
Now she has new clothes and a mani-pedi. Therefore, she must have a slice of dinner (somewhere nice) with her friends and/or family.

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