How to Fall in Love | Teen Ink

How to Fall in Love

May 26, 2016
By Victor7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Victor7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For this recipe you will need:

-A cluster of cheesy pickup lines that will never work
-Just a smidge of awkwardness
-Bucket full of smiles
-One dash of nervousness
-A handful of compliments
-One case of carefully planned texts
-4 maybe 5 eternities of amazing nights
-A couple flurries of jokes and laughs
-Just a few slices of special moments
-Finally, a few lifetimes of happiness

1.To start, find someone that gives you butterflies every time you see them.
2.Next, hope and pray they are single.
3.If you’re lucky enough you won’t be too nervous to say hello with a bucket of smiles.
4.If you get her number, then comes the case of carefully planned texts mixed with the handful of compliments.
5.Then comes the cheesy pickup lines,jokes/laughter, and even more smiles.
6.Don’t forget to stir the special moments thoroughly, for this recipe (they come in handy).
7.And finally, if you did everything correctly, you will end up with a few amazing lifetimes of happiness, a heap of love, and just the right amount of reasons to get up everyday.

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