Love in the Auto Industry | Teen Ink

Love in the Auto Industry

May 27, 2016
By cjt06 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
cjt06 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Auto Industry,

It’s me, 3-D Printing.

I need to be with you…

I’m known as the new one,

but I long to help every company.

Used by a tiny fraction,(only 14%), I’m ill.

Logistically, my prints are costly,

but I’m going through changes.

I will increase speed and efficiency,

so that we can be together.

I’m different, and I’m still developing.

But when I overcome the flaws,

the bar will be lower,

I’ll be better than other methods,

and I will find a way to the factory floor.

I hope that one day, we can work as one,

and change the world.

We can experiment until you are ready.

We will work together great.

I have the ability to do cool things,

we just need to find a breakthrough.

I would like to help you.

I’m stressed out...

But I will be ready to go when you are.

The technology of the future.

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