Movement | Teen Ink


June 2, 2016
By pseudoloid BRONZE, Tigard, Oregon
pseudoloid BRONZE, Tigard, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The lake sits perfectly still

It’s the brief eye contact, nod, and genuine smile in the hallways,
The gentle brush of the shoulders between two strangers,
And the “bless you” in reply to a sneeze in the winter


It’s the rhythmic, warm thud of the heart when holding someone,
The strong shoulders that support the heavy sobs and weighted sighs,
And the brave voices bellowing out for the sake of others,


Whether pebbles or boulders,
The ripples collide and change the lake,
As nothing is still for long.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the people around me, from friends to strangers, who've made small and big impacts on me.

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