Bliss | Teen Ink


October 6, 2016
By Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A thousand pictures aren't worth a single word

Sometimes I like to remember the good times

When we were together

When I think of those times, 

I sit back, clsoe my eyes and sigh

A smile creeps onto my face

I don't care if I look crazy

These memories come out of thin air

Sometimes it's a song

Sometimes it's a scent

And sometimes it's someones voice

Your voice

It brings me back to campfires and late nights

It brings me back to love and all things good

But most of all it brings me back to bliss

Pure bliss

Sometimes I take a moment to stop and acknowledge when something is pure bliss

I like those moments

Because those are the moments I'll remember

More than anything else, I'll remember what you said to me

The one word you said to me when I least expected it

When I needed it

That one word from you is worth so much more than any of the pictures I own

Right then, in that moment, as you spoke that single word

I stopped and closed my eyes,

Just to think,


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