Pieces of You | Teen Ink

Pieces of You

October 16, 2016
By LucyAmbroult BRONZE, Holbrook, Massachusetts
LucyAmbroult BRONZE, Holbrook, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I relive the memories of you,
Now in fragments on the floor.
I recall your words and they decaying my senses,
From each beautiful sentence,
Composed with ease like a poem,
They took me over and I fell deep,
Deep into a bottomless void of you,
A shattered mess of the two of us.

An empty heart rattles away,
Alive but struck by your love,
Bleeding into my mind and thinking of you,
Bleeding like the cuts I got from the memories of you,
Dangerously sharp recollection of you,
So carefully I pick up the pieces of you,
And put them together to make another one of you.

The author's comments:

The unresting thoughts of people made me grow more and more nervous. Writing helps relieve the tension in my head and bring me back down to Earth, so I can just keep going.

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