Grande Valse Brilliante | Teen Ink

Grande Valse Brilliante MAG

November 22, 2016
By damla2001tr SILVER, Princeton, New Jersey
damla2001tr SILVER, Princeton, New Jersey
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Did that sound to you like someone saying &#039;No, wait! Stop!&#039;?&quot; <br /> &quot;Huh...&quot; <br /> &quot;Oh well.&quot;

At nine, I began to play:
very big, shiny black, with eighty-eight keys
fifty-two white and thirty-six black, if you
really do insist
producing familiar notes at the stroke of a hand, like a harp, only

harder and less sharp.

I did not falter to touch, so the sounds came out
of the mysterious emptiness beneath the wing
that most often stood half turned up,
although, in fact, there was no monster making music in the night,
when the kids are asleep and he can write …
only pure science
something I am glad I was not told at the time, only nine

some words are better left unsaid.

Innocence is so precious, and oftentimes forgotten,
but think about the last time you believed
in the magical,
the phantoms who ride through the waves,
the shadows hiding under your bed,
and then answer me this: do you agree that it is best to nod when your little one talks
of creatures who strike their tunes with
enchanted hammers
and that the brooding wing is there to avoid
the Secret from getting out
the top-secret Secret that only this little one knows to help
a child’s wandering
mind grow?

The author's comments:

I'm playing the Grande Valse Brilliante by Chopin at the moment, and while practising one afternoon, I came up with the idea of writing a poem that reflects my feelings about the mystery of music, and also it's beautiful simplicity. Since I began the piano as a child, I couldn't think of a better way to show this profound wonder than through an inexperienced child's eyes, which are surely the most fascinating lenses through which to view the world. 

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