The broken reflection | Teen Ink

The broken reflection

December 21, 2016
By blackink12 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
blackink12 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She looks into the mirror capturing all her insecurities.
“I am beautiful and happy with myself” she wishes she could say,
Kind words, consumed by imperfections.
“Only if my thighs were thinner and my stomach was flatter”
“Why can’t I be a few inches taller and have no acne?”
She just wants to be happy with herself.

She walks into school struggling to understand.
“Why can't I be smarter?”
Hours of studying all forgotten when given a test.
“I will never make it into college or get a good job”
Her friends tease her for not being smart,
crumbling any confidence.

She goes to her lacrosse game and makes a bad move.
She plays varsity sports but feels like the worst.
“I will never be good enough.”
“Why did I miss that catch, I could have won the game”
She scores a goal, only to think,
“I wish I was better”

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