Lets Go! | Teen Ink

Lets Go!

January 9, 2017
By Morgan1124 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Morgan1124 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“WAKE UP.” screamed responsible.
“But do I  have too, my bed is so warm and comfortable?” whimpered Lazy.
“Yes! You have a lot to do today, so get up and get ready.”

“OK, OK. I’m getting up. I’m in the shower. Happy?”
“Yes, now get out and get dressed, but don’t forget to brush your teeth.”
“But do I have to get out, the shower is so warm and comfortable?”

“Okay I’m all ready to leave.”
“Good get in the car and drive to school you only have a few minutes.”
“Look at me I’m at school. This is quite an accomplishment.” 
“Yeah, Yeah. Get out of your car and go inside now.”
“But do I have to go in, my car is so warm and comfortable?”
“Yes you do. I’m sorry. I don’t want to be here at all either!” Responsible says admittingly.

Sadly we get out and walk in,
dreading the lessons and homework we’ll receive. 
School: The worst part of our day.

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