The Dam Breaks | Teen Ink

The Dam Breaks

January 10, 2017
By Shadowgamer7_YT SILVER, Brockton, Massachusetts
Shadowgamer7_YT SILVER, Brockton, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"don't give up on your dream doesn't matter what it is..."

When your family member's or friends passes away you get mad or sad , maybe angry sometimes when you think about it sometimes you gotta ignore it , it really sucks huh? your life will suck it was all ,y fault sometimesi wanna kill myself so i dont gotta live without you i know it sounds deep but im just being real with you since i was 9 years old ishould of look at  you like my own admire but instead i was being a fool trying to act cool and try to get real friends on my side acting like these kids on the street but thats not me i should of be at home with you and my mom and sister and my grandmother eating some steak and mash potatoes  but when you died i was all alone with nothing to think about i never had you around me since you died i thought it was a spirit following me whatever i be doing but then i realized you found me

The author's comments:

my uncle died 2 years ago and i been this depressed without him in my life so i type or write it to show everyone how i feel about my favorite uncle

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