Construction Feelings | Teen Ink

Construction Feelings

January 10, 2017
By Shadowgamer7_YT SILVER, Brockton, Massachusetts
Shadowgamer7_YT SILVER, Brockton, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"don't give up on your dream doesn't matter what it is..."

im feeling sad , glad , mad , but i had that feeling is going to the f***ing ceiling people trying to help you but i aint healing anytime soon i gotta suck it all up all the pain like a vacuum cleaner how you can get that feeling when you love someone and they dont get attached to you but someone else makes your hearts caves in because of it but you cause that person is always gonna be in your head you cant get rid of him/her and it makes you frustrated and stressed and you trying to be friends but he/she rejects you but you dont know why when you go out wuth that person will love you for a month or just a week they really love you they just use you or get you up so they can break your heart to see that really cared for them

The author's comments:

i loved this girl forever until i die but she broken my heart so i haad to type about it

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